Blue is a nineteen story by the architectural firm of Arquitectonica found within the Edgewater neighborhood, named after the design of the building itself and its waterfront location. You'll find 345 Miami condos for sale available with one or two bedrooms that each offer a superb living experience significantly enhanced by the serene ambiance and the great views of Biscayne Bay.
Blue strongly emphasizes relaxation thanks to the services and amenities it provides like manicures and pedicures, massages, a 3000 square foot spa, a lounge and much more. You'll also find a spacious sundeck, plunge pool, fitness facility, dog walking services and much more at the Blue condo. The units of Blue are available with 831 to 2,048 square feet.
The Julia Tuttle Causeway is just north of Blue and is one way you can use to drive across Biscayne Bay and visit Miami Beach, home to Lincoln Road and Ocean Drive. If you'd like to remain a little closer to your Blue residence you can always visit the downtown area of Miami.